Course curriculum
1. Introduction
Welcome to the course
Introducing the Numeracy Skills Diagnostic Quiz
Numeracy Skills Diagnostic Quiz
2. The Basics of Numeracy
Using the 24 hour clock for recording time
QUIZ - 24 hour clock
Place Value
QUIZ - Place Value
Rounding to the nearest whole number
QUIZ - Rounding to the nearest whole number
QUIZ - Addition
QUIZ - Subtraction
Short Multiplication
QUIZ - Short Multiplication
Long Multiplication
QUIZ - Long Multiplication
Short Division (part 1)
QUIZ - Short Division 1
Short Division (part 2)
QUIZ - Short Division 2
Long Division (part 1)
QUIZ - Long Division 1
Long Division (part 2)
QUIZ - Long Division 2
3. Moving on: Fractions and Percentages
Simplifying Fractions 1 (the basics)
QUIZ - Simplifying Fractions 1
Simplifying Fractions 2 (a bit more challenging)
QUIZ - Simplifying Fractions 2
Finding the Fraction of a Value
QUIZ - Fraction of a Value
Finding the Percentage of a Value 1
QUIZ - Percentage of a Value 1
Finding the Percentage of a Value 2
QUIZ - Percentage of a Value 2
4. Using Numeracy in Drug Calculations
Converting between Metric Units
QUIZ - Converting between metric units
Fluid Balance (applying skills of subtraction)
QUIZ - Fluid Balance
Peak-Flow (applying skills of percentage)
QUIZ - Peak Flow
Tablet Doses (applying skills of conversion & fractions)
QUIZ - Tablet Doses
Liquid Dosage (applying skills of fractions, multiplying and converting units)
QUIZ - Liquid Dosage
Weight-Dependent Liquid Doses (fractions, multiplying, converting units)
QUIZ - Weight-Dependent Liquid Doses.
Infusions / 'Giving sets' (applying skills of fractions, multiplying, rounding and converting units)
QUIZ - Giving Set Infusions
5. External Resources
National Numeracy - Getting on with Numbers